The labor market landscape is changing rather dynamically. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, driven by automation and digital exchange, continues to move forward unabated. The outbreak of COVID-19 further accelerated these trends and drew considerable public attention to the physical dimension of work. Many companies found themselves forced to act much quicker than expected in terms of planned workforce transitions. The picture is rounded out by a rapidly aging population, infrastructural investments, rising income levels, climate change, booming e-commerce, and a shift toward remote work accompanied by reductions in business travel. Each of these factors may shape the changes sweeping arenas such as heavy industry, food service, civil aviation, automotive industry, and even the plain, old post.
According to a recent McKinsey report*, as many as 25 percent more workers may need to switch occupations than before the pandemic. Much of the job growth is expected to take place in high-wage occupations, while low-wage occupations are expected to decline. Around one in sixteen workers will have to switch professions by 2030. And roughly half of the workforce will need new, more advanced skills in order to transition into higher-wage positions.
In Europe and the US, workers with less than a college degree, along with women, are more likely to need to transition to another occupation after COVID-19. In France, Germany, and Spain, the need to switch jobs is currently 3.9 times higher for women than it is for men. Likewise, the need for a change in occupation will impact younger workers far more than the elder part of the workforce.
Before deciding to switch careers or industries, you must first ask yourself a couple of questions that will help you establish whether you truly are ready to begin the search process, which in itself may be rather lengthy:
If you know you’re ready to make a change, what sort of efforts should you undertake in order to effect it?
The answer seems obvious, at least to us – headhunters recruiting high-level executives. You only have to look at the list of clients we’re currently running recruitment for. The top of the stack includes companies working in eCommerce, telemedicine, cutting-edge tech, and engineering, while logistics and delivery services, along with warehousing, are well on their way to the top spots.
Here, I’d like to emphasize the dynamic expansion of the IT industry, which has been demonstrating consistent growth for years, mostly in spite of the similarly consistent dearth of highly-skilled and competent talent. It was – and is – a pleasure to monitor a particular trend that first emerged in the wake of intense consolidations in the banking industry. Redundant positions, mass layoffs. As a result, the labor market was flooded with hundreds of now-jobless finance specialists. Some decided to recast themselves as financial advisors, only to quickly backtrack after realizing how saturated the financial services market actually was. Others, meanwhile, given their analytical skills and data-driven minds, opted to become programmers, launching successful coding careers, many of which continue to this day.
But circling back to skydiving – I have a ticket for a parachute jump, to be performed from a military aircraft at 4,200 meters. It was a gift from my team. I’m terribly scared by the prospect, but I will have to do it one day or else risk looking like a wimp in front of everyone. An experienced parachutist once told me of a trick he used to break through his own fear of jumping. After all, he too once had his first time in the doors of an airplane, holding onto the airframe for dear life. He said that he took a pen and wrote a reminder to himself on his shoes, so when the time came, he could look down at them and push through the fear. Patently obscene, the reminder read: “Out I go! And… f**k it!” I decided to appropriate it for my own use.
Likewise, those who decided to make a significant career switch should too, after going their own way, stand in the metaphorical airplane doors and look down at their shoes right before making the leap to forever sear those words into their memory.
And… that’s it.
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