{post}: An example worth following is how Netguru took care of building social bonds and employee belonging, in the formula of remote work. The employees received an opportunity located in the beautiful surroundings…
{post}: A revolution in the labor market is underway. Something, that has been a standard in the IT industry so far, may transfer to other areas of the business. Employers will be required to indicate the salary range in the…
{post}: According to Nicholas Bloom, a professor of economics at Stanford University, the average New York office worker intends to cut office time by 49% and cut annual city spending to $ 6,730, compared to $ 12,561 in…
{post}: Sabbatical leave is one of the most pleasant benefits, but also a chance to avoid burnout. Sabbatical is nothing more than a longer vacation, which can last from a month to even 1 year, while the employer pays the…
{post}: It’s time to break the stereotypical perception of the 55+ generation and focus on the age diversity of candidates and building multi-generational teams. The silver generation has an enormous power…
{post}: According to Rzepa, women who came to Poland from Ukraine are actively looking for work, and the Polish market meets them. The Żabka chain of stores announced the willingness to employ Ukrainian…
{post}: “Dear Boss, it’s Sunday. I don’t want to be rude, but I’m hanging up.” These words never came out of my mouth, but I have to admit that they should have come at least a few times. I have a conjecture bordering on…
{article}: The term Great Resignation first appeared in a statement by Anthony Klotz, a management professor at the Mays Business School of Texas A&M University, who predicted that this mass exodus would arrive…
{article}: While we may wonder if it’s already happening, or if it will only be some time before we can talk about post-covid-reality, preparations for returning to the office are underway, and companies are trying to figure…