✳️ Monika: Don’t you have the impression that there are now more female mentors and mentors than mentees themselves?
✳️ Agata: I recently looked at research that says that since the beginning of the pandemic, as many as 30% of companies have increased the number of mentoring initiatives. You might ask why? Why did it become fashionable? David Clutterbuck, the father of mentoring and co-founder of EMCC, always repeats that mentoring is the most effective form of development for people and organizations. On an individual level, it means increased satisfaction and greater self-confidence. People who worked with mentors were up to five times more likely to be promoted. Companies that have introduced mentoring into the organization achieve 53% better financial results. Is this just fashion? I think not. Mentoring can really be effective.
Thanks to Agata, I also found answers to the questions:
📍 therapist, coach, mentor – who is who and whom to choose?
📍 can mentoring influence recruitment and retention?
📍 how is an internal mentoring program created?
📍 internal or external mentor – what can they bring to the organization?
📍 how to use artificial intelligence in mentoring?
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