Episode #28


Interview with: Ela Bonda
Head of Property & Workplace, Diversity & Inclusion Lead / NatWest

“If our children had the opportunity to learn that the world is different in various aspects, for example in the way our brains function. That one person may have talents in mathematics, another in the humanities. That we learn differently knowledge.

Teaching children to accept themselves is the task of both parents and schools. But it would be fantastic to also have systemic solutions that would tell us that we are simply different and will be different throughout our lives. And this is beautiful. We can draw from it, we can learn, we can complement each other. If we could teach this to kids in schools, I think it would be easier for us in the workplace too.”

We talked about neurodiversity in the workplace:
📍 amenities that employers can easily introduce in the office space,
📍 skills that should not be missed,
📍 the way of conducting job interviews
📍 the value of publicizing the topic of human brain diversity.

All this so that we can understand each other better.

Ela Bonda
If we work with people, or we are in a responsible role that manages people's work or processes, I can recommend from my own experience to try to get to know - who is this person in front of you, what does he or she need, what are his or her talents? Regardless of whether she is neuroatypical or neurotypical, let her develop, look for a place where she can flourish and give the best to the company and at the same time be satisfied with what she does.
Ela Bonda says, Head of Property & Workplace, Diversity & Inclusion Lead / NatWest
Zapraszam Was do rozmowy o wyjątkowości i różnorodności naszych mózgów.


  • różnice neurologiczne, czyli o różnorodności naszych mózgów,
  • trudności w diagnozowaniu ADHD,
  • jakie są supermoce i trudności atypowego mózgu?


  • im więcej wiemy tym mniej szufladkujemy,
  • szerzenie świadomości i rola systemu edukacji,
  • normalizowanie tematów zdrowia psychicznego,
  • rola liderów w dopasowaniu człowieka do pełnionej roli,


  • pracownicy neuroatypowi na rynku pracy,
  • jak dostosować miejsce pracy, aby zadbać o potrzeby neuroatypowych pracowników?
  • odwaga niezbędna w tematach wrażliwych,
  • rozmowa kwalifikacyjna z osobami neuroatypowymi.