November 07, 2013
Personel i Zarządzanie

Does an image mishap destroy the candidate’s chances?

During the recent recruitment for the position of a retail sales director, conducted on behalf of a large retail chain, a candidate with a very good CV was invited. It seemed perfect. However, when he entered, his dress was surprisingly inappropriate. What to do when someone’s appearance does not match the position held? How to reliably assess such a candidate?

Unfortunately, there are difficult cases. In many positions, presence is as important as competence, and not everyone seems to remember it.

Recently, while completing the Short List of candidates, I had to answer a question – should I recommend a candidate who has all the competencies and professional experience in place, while at the same time her external appearance leaves much to be desired?

The candidate was to work closely with the president of one of the largest international banks. A careless set of clothes, wrinkled clothes, a mess on the head, neglected hands. Then she wondered if this, to some extent, does not indicate a lack of organization, inability to predict, and lack of respect for the interlocutor? Or maybe we just came across a bad day for a busy mother who has had a sleepless night due to her child’s illness and did everything to get to the meeting, because she cares about work? Both theses are probable.

The full content of the articles written by me, published at Personel i Zarządzanie, is available HERE.